P.O. Box 738, Salado, TX 76571

The REAL Report - Explores Real Estate, Living & Luxury

Let’s dispel some of the headline myths regarding the NAR commission settlement.
1. No CNN - it is not “seismic” - instead of a buyers agent commission being set by the seller and listing agent and posted to MLS, the buyers agent commission becomes part of the sale negotiations.
2. 6% was NEVER the set deal. That would be a violation of the 1890 Sherman antitrust law. The commission level was negotiated between the seller and the listing agent at listing. If it was 4% - the listing agent usually would then post on MLS 2% for the buyers agent. Some listing agents would negotiate 5% with the seller and still only offer 2% to the buyers side.
3. This changes nothing for the buyer. In Texas, a buyer’s agent who knows the regs and their worth will have had their buyers sign a representation agreement BEFORE placing the buyer in the car. 

Headline Upheaval


I. Without a representation agreement, the

buyers agent by default represents the seller.
II. This means in Texas the unrepresented buyers agent is a SUBAGENT - and usually per the listing entry on MLS is NOT entitled to ANY compensation. For the record, I always enter ZERO for a subagent on my listings because:
III The last thing I need in a complicated real estate transaction is an unrepresented buyer or an agent whose lack of competency brought a lack of representation to the table. These are the offers most likely to default and not make it to closing - a scenario that costs BOTH sides.
So what is the big deal?
The change now means more agents will require a buyer to sign a representation package that sets a geographical area with minimum amount of commission they are prepared to accept as their fee for their time, mileage and expertise.

For my buyers, absolutely nothing has changed. I am an independent contractor (just like your doctor, dentist, lawyer or tax accountant). The commission is my income. 

Debbie Stevenson​ 



But unlike those professionals, if I don’t get you to the closing table - I don’t get paid - my expenses are not covered.
So long before this lawsuit was filed, I calculated my worth, skills and cost of living expense.
My buyer agreements stated I will be paid 3 percent of the sale price at closing and funding. That meant if sellers only agreed to 2 percent - my buyers agreed to pay the remaining 1 percent.
My listing agreements set my commission at the same level, based on the same calculations - and will continue to do so.

254-947-7110   512-468-8210